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Konica Minolta Baltia
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Digitaalne kontor
Digitaliseeritud töövoogude ja töökohtadega seotud konsultatsioonid, töövoogude ning töökohtade juurutamine ja haldamine
Muutke oma töökeskkond Konica Minolta digitaalsete kontorilahenduste abil digitaalselt ühendatud töökohaks.
Kontori trükiseadmed
Printeri rentimine kontorisse
Tehnoloogiad printeri tõhusaks hoolduseks
Säästvuse ja energia nõuanded
Kuidas kasutada oma kontoriprinterit säästlikult
bizhub Refreshed: Jätkusuutlikuma trükkimise suunas
Lahendused oma printimisinfrastruktuuri jaoks
ELi direktiivi NIS2
Forxai Mirror
Forxai Mirror
Forxai Mirror
Professionaalsed trükitööd
Professionaalsed trükitööd
Täiustage oma trükiteenuseid
Uuenduslikud digitaalsed trükkimis- ja jugatrükkimislahendused äritegevuse laiendamiseks
Konica Minolta Innovatsiooniruum
AccurioPro Flux
Toodangu trükkimine
Sildi trükkimine
Lakkimine ja lakkimine
Lai formaat
EFI Color Profiler Suite
Konica Minolta Color Care 2
Konica Minolta Color Care Production Server
AccurioPro Flux Essential
AccurioPro Label Impose
AccurioPro Flux Ultimate
Igniting Print Possibilities
Paindlikud lahendused, mis muudavad teie IT lihtsaks
Integreeritud IT-teenused teie ettevõttele
Microsoft 365 | Business
Kõikehõlmav IT-platvorm
Dokumendi-ja toimiguhaldus
Lihtne mobiilprintimine
Efektiivne dokumentide hõivamine tõhusate skannimise töövoogude kaudu
Document Navigator
Efektiivne dokumentide hõivamine tõhusate skannimise töövoogude kaudu
Dispatcher Paragon Cloud
Mõtle töömaailma ümber
Authentication Technologies
Dispatcher Paragon
PageScope Account Manager
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Teenuse tellimine
Eesti kasutusjuhend
Loendurinaitude aruanne
Ripple 20 vulnerability
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Teenuse asukoha protokolliga seotud haavatavus
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EE puuduvad tõlked 2
With information in our DNA, Konica Minolta IT Services can help you to get the most out of the digital transformation. By increasing your operational efficiency without compromising on security, we make your business future-proof.
All-in-one IT
Our Workplace Hub offering reduces IT complexity, removes repetitive IT tasks, ends unwelcome distractions and optimises total IT spend. It creates the infrastructure for the future by empowering your current technology. Use it to boost all or part of your operational capability with a solution that grows with you, so you can forget about your IT today and focus on developing your business for tomorrow.
Managed IT Services
IT departments today – especially in small and medium sized businesses – are faced with an ever-increasing task complexity. This leads to high costs and binds IT resources needed for innovation. By outsourcing all or parts of your IT infrastructure management we give you peace of mind - and more time and energy to focus on your business.
Information Management
Day by day, the amount of information is growing exponentially: Document files, e-mails, online materials, invoices and many more accumulates into a massive data volume. Unstructured information, often not classified, is stored in different places and the main problem is usually a missing consistent data infrastructure, creating time-consuming administration and unsecure processes. Optimise your information-relevant corporate processes by utilising Konica Minolta's suite of Managed Content Services (MCS).
Intelligent IP video solutions
Based on the collaboration between Konica Minolta and MOBOTIX, we provide next-generation network security solutions. Our joint product developments focus on solutions like monitoring processes at manufacturing facilities in order to drive workflow innovation, or new products such as “Care Support Solutions” that might be employed to monitor residents in nursing care homes.
Concentrate on your business – with the help of our services!
Structured business processes as well as a robust and secure IT infrastructure are fundamental to compete in today’s markets. Konica Minolta’s Business Services help you optimise your processes and facilitate the use of information. Our portfolio entails consultancy services, infrastructure implementation and managed services. With our support, you can forget about your IT today and focus on developing your business for tomorrow.
Digital Office
Consultancy, implementation and management of digitised workflows and workspaces
Transform your working environment into a digitally connected workspace with Konica Minolta's Digital Office solutions.
Transform your working environment into a digitally connected workspace with Konica Minolta's Digital Office solutions. We have defined 7 key areas, all shaping the way we are working today and tomorrow: Connectivity, Universal Design, Security, File sharing & collaboration, Document capture & Management, Panel customisation as well as Cloud & Mobile Printing.
Sounds complicated? It's not, with our smart Office Solutions.
Concentrate on your business – with the help of our services!
Structured business processes as well as a robust and secure IT infrastructure are fundamental to compete in today’s markets. Konica Minolta’s Business Services help you optimise your processes and facilitate the use of information. Our portfolio entails consultancy services, infrastructure implementation and managed services. With our support, you are able to concentrate fully on your business.
Professional Printing
Enhance your printing services
Innovative digital printing and inkjet solutions to expand your business
As a printing company you face a rapidly changing market with all the challenges of offering new services while lowering your costs and digital printing. We use our decade-long experience and our leading market position to provide you with specifically tailored, high quality printing solutions for your business needs.
The Accurio brand for all of Konica Minolta’s market-leading production printing systems and software reflects their advanced, automated and accurate nature: Key strengths and attributes include eliminating routine technology burdens and saving time, as well having less human touch that cuts down errors, waste and production costs.
Experience the next evolutionary stage by Konica Minolta now!
Production Printing Solutions
Industrial Printing Solutions
Concentrate on your business – with the help of our services!
As the print and communications market continues to change, understanding how this will affect your production processes is paramount. You know your business and your clients; our dedicated team of consultants advise you on what opportunities exist that can create new innovation and wealth. Our portfolio entails consultancy services, infrastructure implementation and managed services. With our support, you can forget about your mundane operational tasks and focus on developing your business for tomorrow.
Your benefits
More profit – Our professional printing portfolio makes sure that you get the most out of your print room – that is why we spend all our R&D power to keep preparation times to a minimum and to avoid standstill as much as possible, accurately helping you producing more jobs per shift.
More efficient – Our portfolio is designed to help you to run your business most efficiently, it automates your workflow and lets you and your employees spend time only where it is really required and helps you to reduce overtimes.
More business – Konica Minolta´s solutions are an investment in the future, they are built to advance your business today and to stand out from your competition tomorrow – with new applications to secure your solid business
More sustainable – Reducing manual processes and automating production steps on the one hand keeps away frustration and worries from your organisation. On the other hand it helps you reduce material and waste. With the background of Konica Minolta´s long-term plan towards a sustainable future – the EcoVision 2050 - you can be sure to rely on a competent partner who is willing to safe the resources of our planet.
Digital printing by Konica Minolta - 4 good reasons
Konica Minolta ranks NUMBER 1
…in terms of market share for Production Printing (32.5%) in Europe (Infosource 2016).
Over 40 Years
…of expertise in inkjet printers, Konica Minolta is leading the market of digital print-on-demand textile inkjet printers!
…commercial and industrial printing customers in europe.
Carbon Neutrality
With Enabling Carbon Neutrality you start offsetting the emissions that arise during printing with your Konica Minolta production device right away.
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Business Innovation
Addressing your customer needs using advanced innovation management principles
Looking to foster innovative thinking at your enterprise or workplace? Explore and engage with Konica Minolta’s Business Innovation Centre Europe today
The Business Innovation Centre creates customer-centric solutions focused on your company’s digital and cultural transformation, growth and evolution.
As an organisation with a strong culture of innovation that is constantly evolving, Konica Minolta has always been dedicated to developing new technologies and creative ideas that provide real change for millions of people.
As part of its global strategy to lead business innovation management, Konica Minolta established Business Innovation Centres (BICs), in 5 major regions around the world with a mission to gain a deeper understanding of its customers’ needs – therefore generating new value and a positive impact on society.
The BICs drive to achieve new product, service and business development, following the entire lifecycle from ideation to commercialisation, and supporting Konica Minolta’s global customer base – from small enterprises through to multinational organisations – by understanding how market shifts are continually creating the need for change.
These emerging technologies and business solutions are then commercialised and combined with products and services to generate new business.
About BIC Europe:
The Business Innovation Centre (BIC) Europe is the leading unit within Konica Minolta Europe with responsibility for innovation. As a trusted partner, the BIC Europe co-innovates with customers, partners, and academia dedicated to developing new and innovative solutions.
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about current products and services of Konica Minolta Business Solutions Europe GmbH and from other associated companies within the group, that is tailored to my personal interests. Your data will be processed in accordance with our Privacy Policy.
Digitising Healthcare Workflows
Advanced solutions cutting through the complexities of IT processes and deliver digital image processing technology
Today’s healthcare market is heavily influenced by trends such as demanding patients expecting highly individual care, healthcare insurers exerting more and more influence on how care is to be provided, and healthcare organisations faced by budget constraints and increased pressure to keep costs in check.
Our advanced solutions cut through the complexities of your IT processes by automating and optimising document-related processes to simplify information flows and make medical information accessible and compliant. On top of that, we provide the hospital and clinic market with highly-acclaimed, high-performance digital diagnostic X-ray imaging systems.
Why strategic security is the only security
Digitalisation has brought the companies of today a vast range of new benefits it would not have thought possible just a few decades ago. Digital measures have the power to increase a company’s productivity, reduce its costs, improve product and service quality, and more.
This across-the-board digitalisation is a double-edged sword, however. Companies are also being forced to secure their IT environment more than ever before, and the challenges involved are increasing every year due to the complexity and growing volume of systems and attack routes. Small and medium-sized businesses (SMBs) are being hit by cyber-attacks particularly hard, and more and more companies and organisations are falling victim to IT attacks. In the modern business world, it doesn’t matter if you’re a multinational or a small business: the question is no longer if you will be attacked, so much as when.
So is your company protecting itself effectively? To do this, you will need to take a strategic approach to your IT security. In the absence of such an approach, companies will lack the necessary transparency and reaction speed in the event of an attack, and be unprepared for an emergency. A strategic approach, on the other hand, means an effective increase in security with the appropriate measures.
Developing such precisely tailored strategies will not only create much-needed protection for your company, however; it will also cut your costs by ensuring the only solutions you use are those you actually need. So ask yourself: is your company truly prepared for the ongoing revolution – good and bad – we are all undergoing due to digitalisation?
If you would like to ensure your company is completely secure, then Konica Minolta is the partner for you. The company’s expertise and sheer breadth of experience means it can gain a unique overview of all the customer’s relevant activities (“360-degree solutions”). When defining the solution that’s right for you, our experts in printer device security, video security, IT security and data security will analyse your security requirements and work with you to design a concept for your total security.
Talk about what our security solutions can do for your business
The four areas of security at Konica Minolta
“The more you can do with it, the more they can do to you.” In this era of increasingly complex IT structures and across-the-board digitalisation of your activities and data, companies of all shapes and sizes are becoming stronger and more efficient – but also far more vulnerable to cyber-attacks in the form of Trojans, browser modifiers, software bundlers and other malware, capable of entering our systems using a wide range of new and unheard-of routes.
A recent survey found that the average cost of a single malware attack on a company has now passed $2.4 million. Total spending by companies on information security has risen from $102 billion to $ 124 billion in the last two years alone, and looks set to continue soaring. So is your company at risk?
Unfortunately, the answer is probably a resounding “yes”. Nearly three-quarters (74%) of companies questioned in a recent study said they had over 1,000 stale sensitive files, 21% of files nowadays are not protected in any way whatsoever, and – shockingly – 41% of companies reported they had over 1,000 sensitive files (including credit card numbers and health records) completely unprotected.
But there is hope. Integrating adequate and tailormade measures to protect you organization effectively is easier than you might think.
As an innovative IT services provider and partner, Konica Minolta offers an all-round 360-degree security concept covering all relevant fields, from IT security and information security consulting, through to security for multifunctional printing systems and video surveillance. This means you get all your security solutions from a single source- from IT Security, Information Security Consulting, Printer Device Security to Video security.
IT Security
IT environments are becoming more complex, borders are disappearing and the possibility of coming under attack is increasing. As it becomes clear that technology alone no longer provides an adequate level of protection, and interaction between people, processes and technology is becoming more necessary than ever, we work together with you to develop a strategic approach designed to give you added value, transparency, sustainability and amazing speed of response.
information Security Consulting
The requirements of companies nowadays are becoming more demanding every year when measured in information security and data protection terms. The use of state-of-the-art IT security measures has also been incorporated into European laws, most notably the General Data Protection Regulation or GDPR last year, and information security has become a major topic of concern for customers in all industries over the past decade. Konica Minolta is consulting clients all over the world with regards to Information Security related challenges.
Printer Device Security
Today’s multifunctional printers (MFPs) can not “only” print, copy, fax and scan documents, but also save their users time and increase productivity enormously in a wide range of different ways. Increasingly, however, MFPs are becoming the focus of hacker attacks, which are increasing in number and becoming more sophisticated. These often involve the use of entry gates previously unknown by companies in their security concepts – such as MFPs. Thus, it is hugely important to take MFPs into account when viewing your company’s security strategy.
Video Security
Companies can use video security systems to achieve greater security in the workplace and premises, buildings, production areas and elsewhere. One practical feature of the latest generation of network cameras is that they can be connected directly to the company network, allowing the existing infrastructure to be used and the cameras to be controlled via remote access.
With its huge experience in IT security and video security, Konica Minolta is the partner you need to design, implement and operate security solutions acceptable to you and your clients, and to implement an end-to-end video system that will protect your organisation reliably and comprehensively.
Security without sacrifice
Download brochure
Konica Minolta takes its data and device security extremely seriously. If you are experiencing any concerns or issues related to our devices, therefore, please don’t hesitate to contact us, and we’ll
I want less complexity regarding my office IT
I want to store and protect my data and manage my back-ups
I want the highest video security for my business at low costs
I want to optimise my contract management through automation
I want to safeguard the confidentiality of customer data
I want to digitally process all my incoming mail
I want a globally connected work- place with all digital services
I want to deliver sharp and clear images for patients and doctors
I want to protect my critical infra- structure and machinery
I want to streamline my invoice processing with automation
I want to protect my workplace environment from security threats
I want to monitor my warehouse with highest efficiency and security
I want to share my data efficiently across all systems
I want to safeguard my premises under any weather condition
I want to monitor all my hardware, systems and applications remotely
I want to integrate business intelligence with video security
I want to enhance productivity for my IoT devices
I want a fast and reliable search solution at only one click
I want a robust and reliable security solution for my vehicles
I want to safeguard the confidentiality of customer data
I want a globally connected work- place with all digital services
I want to print from anywhere at any time
I want to centrally control my entire printing environment
I want a reliable print infra- structure tailored to my needs
I want to manage my print infrastructure secure & efficient
I want to increase printing security through rights management
I want to enhance productivity for my IoT devices
I want to track and optimise my printing costs for all my users
Professional Printing
I want to deliver professional results in inkjet printing
I want to add a first class haptic experience to my printed products
I want to print profitable labels with short lead-times
I want to publish books on demand at high speed and lower cost
I want to manage colours and images for highest printing quality
I want to reach my audience across all media
I want a globally connected work- place with all digital services
I want to increase profits and cut production time
I want to set up my printing press for the future
I want to reduce admin duplication and eliminate data errors
I want to harmonise digital and offset press
I want to make my transaction documents boost sales
I want to focus on individual customer interests
I want to offer creative online printing solutions to my clients
I want to print all my wide formats with only one software solution
I want to boost my productivity and automate my workflow
I want to get the best use out of Augmented and Virtual Reality
I want to access information in new ways with wearable devices
I want to deliver innovative digital services to physical workplaces
I want to see finest details on my x-ray images
I want high quality printing of medical images at low cost
I want innovative technologies to process medical data
I want to reduce risk, increase com- pliance and improve documentation
I want to easily assess rheumatoid arthritis with my patients
I want to learn more about Measuring Instruments
I want to learn more about Industrial Inkjet
I want to learn more about Optical Products
I want to learn more about Performance Materials
I want to learn more about Planetarium
• Highest colour print speed of 100 pages per minute
• Wide range of print applications on thin paper, thick stock (52 to 400gsm), embossed paper and envelopes
• Automated consistency with features...
Discover what our extensive Konica Minolta office printing systems offer you to make your entire work cycles more productive and collaborative.
Why not let us take care of your document and information flow, so you can concentrate on what you do best – your business!
The future looks bright with digital printing
As a service provider for the production printing industry, Konica Minolta offers you integrated workflows and applications as well as professional and sophisticated hardware products to enable your business.
AccurioPress C6100
• Highest colour print speed of 100 pages per minute
• Wide range of print applications on thin paper, thick stock (52 to 400gsm), embossed paper and envelopes
• Automated consistency with features...
Make inkjet the reality today
Increase your scope to say yes to new customers and more profitable work. LED UV ink using Dot Freeze Technology TM broadens your application capabilities to print onto specialist media such as heavy textured, canvas, plastics and packaging carton stock for folding cartons – the ‘swiss army knife’ of printing technologies will allow you to multitask switching applications easily and efficiently without compromising on quality
Outstanding productivity and brilliant image quality
The AccurioLabel 190 is ideal for professional print providers who want to shift volumes from conventional presses to digital, or are looking for a complementary solution to balance jobs from other digital presses. It is the answer to reacting to the reduction of run lengths, shorter delivery times, personalisation and versioning, and the production of on-demand print runs. The AccurioLabel 190 offers outstanding productivity, brilliant image quality and surprising ease of use, making it your perfect tool to diversify into new markets and use in conjunction with existing analogue machines.
Variable data foiling for a tactile experience
The MGI digital varnish & hot-foil technology turns printed jobs into spectacular and irresistible print products that will immediately catch your customers’ and their customers’ attention. With the digital varnish technology, you’ll find it easy to spot coat digital prints, highlight defined areas, or add 3D effects – all of which helps you to offer attractive and vivid print products that provide a tactile experience. What’s more, the combination with the inline hot foiling module iFOIL gives you a wide choice of colours and brilliant effects.
Meteor Unlimited Colors Se+
• All-in-one digital inline toner printing and hot foiling solution
• Smart combination of CMYK printing and in-line foiling
• Allows you to add value to the standard print jobs
Wide Format Solutions
The KIP series comprises a comprehensive range of wide format solutions for a variety of printing tasks spanning architectural, engineering, and construction documents to maps, posters, signs, and photo enlargements, without sacrificing quality or performance. Making ultra high-quality wide format printing more cost effective and reliable than ever before, the KIP systems help enterprises save time and money.
KIP 7570
• 10 A1 size prints per minute
• 2 or 4 Roll configurations
• Top stacking
• Small footprint design
• KIP System K Software
Our Values
The following six values represent the essence of our innermost beliefs, our inherited DNA, and define how we go about our business and form firm relationships with all our partners. They symbolise what we stand for and govern our decision making
Discover all Konica Minolta Business Technologies
Office Services
Businesses face difficult challenges such as having to cut operating and management costs while at the same time being confronted with paper-intensive processes such as collecting, sharing and archiving information efficiently.
Konica Minolta, as a leading services provider, offers high-quality enterprise-level IT solutions which help your organisation transform its workflow. Our professional portfolio ranges from business process optimisation and document management services to multifunctional peripherals.
Commercial and Industrial Printing
Commercial and corporate in-house printing, professional print services and industrial inkjet printing have come a long way, especially when it comes to digital printing systems capable of small-lot and variable data printing.
Konica Minolta offers the latest printing solutions, you can pick from an array of our printing systems, services, and related supplies to help you better manage your business demands.
As for professional inkjet printing, we provide you with a wide range of industrial inkjet products, such as inkjet print heads, inkjet textile printers and inkjet print units for label printing.
Optical Systems for Industrial Use
When it comes to optical technology, Konica Minolta is known for the development and production of cameras and lenses, for example for digital cinema projectors or pick-up lenses for Blu-ray discs.
We also offer optical measuring instruments, used for lighting sources (LED, OLED) and quality control of lighting devices, indoor ambient lightning, as well as measuring the colour and brightness of displays of smartphones, TV screens and the colours of automobile parts.
One of our most notable achievements in the health sector is developing a pulse oximeter that measures the oxygen saturation in the arterial blood and the pulse rate, thus eliminating the need to draw blood.
Functional Materials
Konica Minolta produces a wide array of films for different sectors such as the automobile industry, construction and architecture, tech, and cinematography. Our fine films offer protection, thermal insulation, waterproofing, polarisation, luminescence and other functions specific for each industry. For example, we develop highly reflective mirror films for mirrors used in renewable energy applications and functional films for building and automobile windows ensure energy efficiency.
Furthermore, Konica Minolta has developed the world's most efficient white Organic Light Emitting Diode (OLED) panel (139 lm/W) and became the first in the world to begin mass production of plastic substrate-based, flexible OLED lighting panels, both white and colour-tuneable.
Healthcare Business
Konica Minolta Healthcare Business provides solutions for digital radiography and ultrasound, integrated diagnostic information management and medical IT system solutions for hospitals and clinics. Compared with film scanning, digital radiography (DR) not only reduces X-ray radiation exposure for patients but can also display high-resolution images immediately after scanning.
Additionally, Konica Minolta has provided the world's first digital X-ray mammography systems to apply phase contrast technology, providing the ultimate image quality by combining high sharpness and granularity with the use of computer-aided detection of shadows indicating suspected breast cancer lesions.
Other Business
Konica Minolta has been developing solutions and related technologies for planetariums in Japan since 1958. Having adopted and refined numerous technologies in this field over the years, Konica Minolta is responding to the needs of planetarium operators throughout Japan, who are interested in making use of full-dome movies, computer graphics, video projections and multimedia strategies.
In addition to its Japanese operations, Konica Minolta has begun expanding its marketing activities in the rest of Asia.
You want fresh inspiration for your career?
You like to think ahead, out of the box. You want to do something meaningful, be yourself and work in a team that creates added value. You’d like to try your hand at something new, without fear to fail. In other words, you are looking for direction and inspiration for your personal development.
Konica Minolta has been dedicated to innovation since its inception. “Giving shape to ideas”, our brand proposition, forms the guiding principle behind all of our activities. We are constantly evolving, so much so that we call ourselves a 140-year-old start-up.
We don’t set ourselves rules; we have our worldwide company values that guide us in our daily working life. Our corporate culture gives people room to develop their natural motivation and creativity. Overall we are a team of very approachable, open, friendly and down-to-earth people – that’s what sets us apart!
Amazing people at Konica Minolta
Appreciation, enthusiasm, emotions and values – This is what “Amazing People at Konica Minolta” stands for. People inside Konica Minolta will give you a glimpse “behind the scenes” of their day-to-day work: projects, products and passions.
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My path from apprenticeship to building European service strategies: Patrick Stucke
Patrick works in a constantly changing international environment, which supports development and collaboration between departments. This surrounding keeps him energized when building European service strategies.“I never come to work thinking that I don’t want to be here. With all the changes that ar
80 years in Konica Minolta!
You might be asking yourself, if it is possible to work 80 years in a company. Well, if we sum-up the 20th professional anniversary of our four colleagues : Markus Wagner, Wiebke Ostermeier, Bernd Scheibner and Joerg Libal all working for the Konica Minolta Academy, we end up with 80 years full of
From idea to implementation – Experience shared by André Statkus
Passion, Customer-Centric and Team spirit in Konica Minolta - “if you have an idea to improve a process in the company or to create totally something new, then try it and believe in it. The time you will spend with the colleagues to bring your idea to reality is motivating and brings a great team sp
Patrick Stucke
Patrick, in 2008 you started at Konica Minolta Germany with a 3-year dual education program. Tell us something about this time.
The program is rather unique in Germany. It’s a mixture of practical work and theoretical studies. I worked for several departments, such as Finance & Controlling, Marketing, Purchase & General Administration and European Service, which ultimately was the field I wanted to specialize in. In 2011, I finished my studies with a Bachelor of Arts in Business Administration.
After completing your program, you joined the Konica Minolta satellite office in Malta.
Yes, I joined the Support Competence Center in Malta, which takes care of Service delivery towards Konica Minolta and Develop distributors in Central Asia, Middle East and Africa. The time in Malta was a true revelation. Being exposed to different cultural contexts makes it much easier to take an unbiased look at different issues and find a practical way of solving problems. I also had the chance to participate in different events and fairs, which gave me the possibility to be in direct contact with end customers and local indirect sales partners. This also helped me to improve my sensitivity towards customer’s needs and expectations. I moved back to Germany in 2012 and took over the Service Planning team in BEU’s Service & Support.
What is your main task right now?
Service planning deals primarily with strategy building for European Service, which is a collaborative effort with our national and Cluster Heads of Service. We also contribute key components of these strategies to cross-divisional projects. Service planning also supports in various other areas, from the design of new technical and business services to providing technical support and planning for major European exhibitions and implementing best practices in IT Service Management.
Additionally, I am now responsible for three teams that together make up our IT Service Support department. Here we handle the European support for BEU’s application portfolio, including Authentication & Accounting, Scan workflow and Enterprise Content Management solutions. We also develop custom software for our multi-functional printers. This part of my work is particularly interesting, as these IT services are at the heart of Konica Minolta’s business transformation.
What makes your job special?
There is hardly any “business as usual”. I would like to stress two main points: firstly, working on an international level, I am in close contact with colleagues, customers and suppliers from all over Europe, Japan and other regional headquarter like the US. This gives me the chance to constantly expand my experience and to learn and share best practices. Secondly, in Service & Support, I am surrounded by colleagues, with whom I work very closely and in a spirit of mutual trust and appreciation. This makes work a lot more fun and ensures success, even in the more challenging projects.
What makes KM your employer of choice?
Konica Minolta operates in a changing technology-driven business environment that constantly challenges me to adapt and learn new skills. At the same time, tasks are assigned with a high level of responsibility, which offers me flexibility to introduce and implement new ideas. I like these dynamics, and therefore Konica Minolta is the right place for me.
Konica Minolta does not stop at connecting its employees during their working day. We also engage in various cultural and sports activities that give you plenty of opportunities to pursue joint activities with your co-workers, have fun after hours, and release new energy. In addition, we offer specific propositions to help improve your work life balance.
Every summer, we run our own Bike2Work campaign in our Langenhagen Headquarter in order to encourage our employees to “be accountable” – to support the environment and do something for their own health by cycling to work! We support these activities with changing rooms and bicycle parking spaces for our employees.
Sport brings people together and Konica Minolta wants to support that. This activity targets people that share one passion: running in a team. All Konica Minolta employees based in Langenhagen are invited annually to join the B2Run company race. Every year, we build up an energetic team that enjoys the sport and the team spirit!
International Community
Konica Minolta International Community focuses on building bridges between colleagues who take the opportunity to work abroad and those of you who live and work locally. By bringing locals and assignees together, we create a true International Community. Exchanging experiences, spending time together after work and jointly discovering the city all contribute to getting internationally connected – professionally and personally.
Family Support
We feel responsible for our employees: In cooperation with a professional partner, we offer you comprehensive consultancy and brokerage services concerning issues such as child minding and family care.
Children's Holiday Activities
Supporting employees at our Langenhagen location in their holiday planning, we offer to look after their children during the summer school holidays: While you continue working as usual, your kids can attend the Konica Minolta Kids Camp where they spend exciting days, for example re-enacting the Wild West as Cowboys and Red Indians, or training as little artists in the make-believe circus.
Fostering our culture of innovation is a crucial success factor for our exciting transformation into an IT solution provider. Our employees are invited to take an active part in this change process e.g. by joining our “TIP”. Here employees from different countries and functional backgrounds come together in a 6-month programme to solve roughly defined business challenges using agile methodologies.
European Mobility is an imperative factor to strengthen our readiness for future challenges. Our mobility programmes MOVEFORWARD (long-term) and EXCHANGE (short-term) offer employees the opportunity to live and work in another European country, either for up to 12 months or for a period of 2 to 3 years.
We continually strive to support our employees with effective and needs-oriented trainings and education programmes. Our in-house Academy enables us to react promptly to new industry trends and market developments and create corresponding training measures at short notice. Beyond that, we regularly offer certification courses for employees with a sales or service background in order to best prepare them for the challenges of their job.
Cookies Statement
What is a cookie?
A cookie is a small file of numbers and letters downloaded onto a device when a user accesses a website.
How does Konica Minolta Business Solutions Europe GmbH use Cookies?
We use a small number of cookies on our web site to enable us to track visitors to our website and to improve the navigation and content of our website. This information is collected anonymously and is used by Konica Minolta to improve our website and to make our website more relevant to users.
How can I remove Cookies?
Users may disable the use of cookies at any time, but this may limit the functionality of web pages on our Website, or your access to our Website.
You can use your web browser (e.g. Internet Explorer) to:
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Where to find information about controlling cookies
Developer Support Program
As a participant of Konica Minolta's Developer Support Program (DSP), you gain access to the latest documentation and communication specifications, tools and Software Development Kits that allow you to develop tailor-made software solutions.
Attractive for all independent software vendors: Customised MFP software tools enable you to provide clients with office imaging capabilities – which means added value for current customers, clear benefits for new prospects and increased sales for you.
Home Shared Translations Developer Support Program About Memberships
Konica Minolta Business Solutions Europe provides three different levels for companies with skills in software development to participate in the Developer Support Program.
bizhub Extended Solution Technology (bEST) provides a seamless interface between Konica Minolta bizhub MFPs and software applications residing on PCs or servers.
The bEST toolbox contains various components, for example the latest Open APIs (applications programming interfaces), an embedded, web service-based, customisable user interface for the MFP control panel and a Software Development Kit (SDK).
Konica Minolta’s well-established web service based API (SOAP) facilitates creating feature-rich and powerful Authentication-, Scan- and PullPrint-applications.
On the DSP Portal you’ll find the bEST OpenAPI specifications, the OpenAPI Software Development Kit (SDK), OpenAPI sample applications (incl. well documented source code) and all information that is required to start successful OpenAPI development.
IWS stands for Internal Web server; and bEST IWS is Konica Minoltas new bEST API technology that will be available in parallel to bEST OpenAPI from spring 2013. bEST IWS allows creating web applications on an internal MFP web server with direct access to MFP core functionalities, and to utilize the MFP Web Browser (see below) to display these web pages. With bEST IWS, it is for example possible to create customized MFP user interfaces, connector application to cloud services, and similar features.
MFP Web Browser
The MFP Web Browser facilitates creating bEST OpenAPI applications with a rich Web Browser (HTML) User Interface, but it is also possible to connect from this MFP Web Browser to standard web based Scan and PullPrint applications on external Web servers (these web based applications are utilizing standard web technologies like HTML, CSS, JavaScript and alike, but no OpenAPI).
The Konica Minolta printers and MFPs support the Konica Minolta Enterprise MIB, as well as a broad range of Standard MIBs (such as MIB-II, Host Resource MIB, Printer MIB, Printer Port Monitor MIB, Job Monitoring MIB and others). For all printers / MFPs the Konica Minolta Developer Support Portal offers “MIB Implementation Specifications”, which explain the MIB implementation details for the specific products.
In addition, the Konica Minolta Enterprise MIB file in the ASN.1 notation, and a general definition of the Konica Minolta Enterprise MIB are available as resources for DSP Gold level members.
PDL specifications
The Konica Minolta DSP offers PJL, PCL and PostScript specifications for Konica Minolta printers and MFPs. These specifications are of special interest for controlling printers / MFPs from driverless host print applications, and similar applications.
bizhub Open Platform is a concept intended to make bizhub MFPs more accessible for both users and developers. It consists of three elements:
• the bizhub Architecture, which seamlessly integrates all unit functions for greater efficiency, reliability and security
• the Emperon Print System, which standardises print drivers to give users enhanced control over the output management
• bizhub Extended Solution Technology (bEST), a toolbox that facilitates the integration of third-party software.
alemo kommunikations GmbH
Since 2001 we have been a developer of 100% individual business software created with almost any state-of-the-art technology.
Our experts work closely with the customer to design, develop and integrate a perfectly fitting software solution according to their specific needs and system environments. We have served and supported customers in different European markets in various business areas and worked with companies of all sizes. One of our latest areas of competence is the development of customizable document workflow solutions and optimized user interfaces based on and integrated with Konica Minolta products and technologies.
Since 2014 we are Platinum Member of the Developer Support Program
Celiveo delivers the best print architecture for mid-size and large enterprise companies, reducing operating cost and securing MFPs and document printing:
• Remove all existing print servers
• Users can release print jobs on any printer, maximize productivity and ease of printing
• Secure documents printing with badge/PIN user authentication and data encryption
• Control and report print and copy cost, bill back departments for actual usage
Colorspectrum Kft.
Colorspectrum Kft. was founded in 1990. Since then the company has been a key player among the office equipment's dealers in Hungary. Besides Konica Minolta and other multi-function devices, we provide a full-range of parts, supplies and onsite service. With the PRIMON, which is an own developed print management software of Colorspectrum, we can also find solutions for operating office devices at optimal cost.
Doxense, a 100 percent subsidiary of the Archimed group, is the publisher of the Watchdoc range of software products dedicated to print management. It provides its expertise to the fifty certified partners responsible for marketing and supporting the solution with private and public enterprises. With relations with the largest equipment constructors, Doxense has developed a specific and powerful embedded solution based on Konica Minolta Open API.
Global Personal Data Protection
Ahead of major changes in EU data privacy regulation, the Konica Minolta Group has announced its Global Personal Data Protection Policy to ensure it remains at the forefront of global best practice in this field.
The forward-thinking policy has been announced in advance of the introduction of the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), which will be enforced from 25 May 2018. Described as the most important change in data privacy regulation in 20 years, GDPR will entail widespread changes for businesses – both EU-based and non-EU-based companies processing personal data from EU citizens – by significantly enhancing the rights and protection of individuals.
Download the Global Personal Data Protection Policy:
Global Personal Data Protection Policy
Global Personal Data Protection Policy
As a growing global company, being engaged in various business areas, We, Konica Minolta Group recognize that the confidence of our customers, business partners, officers and employees is our most valuable asset. Konica Minolta Group also recognizes that we are, not only to provide the best products and services, but also to meet the highest standards regarding compliance and social responsibility.
Konica Minolta Group is committed to respect the privacy of our customers, business partners, officers and employees and to protect the personal data of our customers, business partners, officers and employees.
Scope and applicability of this Policy
This policy applies to us, Konica Minolta, Inc. (“Konica Minolta”) and all of its affiliated companies (“Group Companies”) and our officers and employees. “Affiliated” in this instance means, that Konica Minolta may enforce the adoption of this Policy directly or indirectly, on the basis of voting majority, majority management representation or by agreement. Konica Minolta and Group Companies (“Konica Minolta Group”) establish and enforce internal rules such as regulations and procedures in accordance with this Policy.
This Policy sets forth the basic principles of Konica Minolta Group’s data protection and data security standards and ensures compliance with national and international data protection laws in force all over the world. Therefore it comprises the internationally accepted data protection principles, intending not to replace, but to supplement the respective national data protection and privacy laws (“National Legislation”). This means, that the content of this Policy has to be observed in the absence of a corresponding National Legislation or if a National Legislation provides lower requirements than this Policy. On the other hand, a National Legislation always takes precedence in case of a conflict with this Policy or if the National Legislation provides stricter requirements than this Policy.
This Policy extends to all processing of personal data. In countries where the data of legal entities are protected to the same extent as personal data, this Policy applies equally to data of legal entities. Anonymized data, e.g. for statistical evaluations or studies, is not subject to this Policy.
Konica Minolta Group’s principles for processing
of personal data
• Lawfulness, fairness and transparency
Personal data will be collected and processed in a lawful, fair and transparent manner to protect the individual rights of the data subjects.
• Restriction to a specific purpose
Personal data will only be collected for specified explicit and legitimate purposes and will not be processed in a manner incompatible with those purposes.
• Data accuracy / Data actuality
Personal data will be accurate and where necessary kept up to date. Konica Minolta Group will take every reasonable step to erase or rectify inaccuracies without delay.
• Data economy / Data minimization
Personal data will be adequate, relevant and limited to what is necessary. Personal data will not be stored longer than necessary.
• Rights of data subjects
Konica Minolta Group respects the rights of all data subjects including rights of access to their data, the right of restriction of processing or erasure, and the right of accuracy. Konica Minolta Group will provide clear and unambiguous information about how and why subjects' data are collected and processed.
• Erasure
Group erases personal data that are no longer necessary in relation to the purposes for which they have been collected or in a case a given consent is withdrawn and no other legitimate purpose for processing applies.
• Security of processing / Data security
Personal data will be processed securely. Appropriate to the risk, technical and organisational measures will be taken against unauthorised processing or alteration, and against loss or destruction or unauthorized disclosure of or access to personal data transmitted, stored or otherwise processed. Konica Minolta Group will ensure ongoing integrity, availability, confidentiality and authenticity. Konica Minolta Group will ensure resilience of our systems and services processing personal data. In the event of an incident Konica Minolta Group will have the ability to restore the availability and access to data in a timely manner.
• Data protection by design and by default
Konica Minolta Group will implement appropriate technical and organisational measures for ensuring that, by default, only personal data that is necessary for each specific purpose of the processing is processed. The principle of Data Protection by design and by default will be followed during the development of new products.
• Accountability
There shall be accountability in all processing activities. Konica Minolta Group is responsible for and able to demonstrate compliance.
Konica Minolta Group’s data protection organisation
Each Konica Minolta Group company shall appoint a qualified person, who is responsible for the implementation and observance of the aforementioned principles.
uropean Partner Programme
Enhance your competence and professionalism by partnering with Konica Minolta, a global corporation!
The Value of our Partners
It is important to us that our Partners maintain their own business identity. Each business is different and has its unique success factors that are unique to them. Whether a Partner has specialist expertise in a particular field, or their strength is breadth of knowledge and products, at Konica Minolta we welcome diversity and recognise that being different is one of the strengths of any business.
The Key Values of our Partner Programme are:
• Transparency
• Mutual partnership
• Skills and technological expertise
• Loyalty and commitment
• Sales performance
Our Konica Minolta Partner Programme is straightforward, fair and transparent. Partners hold the key to our joint partnership level and its benefits by committing themselves to a set of requirements for each partnership level. A range of criteria rather than any single one will determine the Partner status. This allows Partners to carry on playing to their strength as a business, rather than moulding their business to suit us.
Corporate Values
Konica Minolta is a global brand and as a company we stand for:
• Technical expertise
• Powerful innovations
• Ambitious sustainability
These are values we live and breathe, and also like to apply when working with our Partners and inspired us to establish our Partner Programme.
We are committed to supporting the growth of your business and developing a sustainable partnership with realistic targets and profitable benefits, such as bonus payments when targets have been met. All you have to do is to fulfil a set of requirements that are clearly outlined as part of this Programme.
To support you in improving your knowledge and knowhow you can take part in skills building programmes.
Partnership Levels
We are interested in our Partners and their business. Rather than determining the partnership level purely on the basis of turnover with us, we have defined a number of criteria that can improve Partner status. In other words, we are accommodating the Partners business model, rather than moulding theirs to suit ours.
The more criteria a Partner business fulfils, the higher your partnership level will be, and the more benefits a Partner will receive.
Konica Minolta´s Partner Programme is a win-win relationship. We´re committed in supporting Partner business to grow, so that we will grow together.
When creating the Partner Programme, we tried to make sure to offer our Partners a number of benefits when joining the Partner Programme.
Clear and concise achievements and benefits
Common goals, mutually agreed at the beginning of each year by going through a joint business plan to support the growth of the Partner business.
Maximising business visibility by being on the Konica Minolta “where to buy” finder on our country websites. This means customers looking for Konica Minolta products on the website will be directed to your business.
Skills and knowledge growth: Our Partners can take advantage of Konica Minolta training courses, which depending on partnership level may be provided free.
Certification for proven skills and knowledge to offer state-of-the-art products and solutions from Konica Minolta.
Many of our products and solutions do require special skills and knowledge and as a result need an increased commitment from our Partners.
To give end customers piece of mind in those areas we offer a number of certifications to those Partners who have acquired specialised knowledge in a certain specific field or product range. After going through additional training and fulfilling certain conditions that verify their expertise, Partners are able to advertise their certification on top of their partnership level through certificates.
Nominated contacts in each business will go through a series of training courses to gain all the knowledge and expertise they need to become a certified expert. Konica Minolta Partners who take part in our product certification process are eligible for an enhanced set of benefits, such as additional training and specialist support.
Please go to your local country website for detailed information which certifications are available to you locally.
Explanation of Konica Minolta communications based on your personal interests
If you grant us your consent, we will assess your user behaviour on our web pages and in the communications we send you, and link it to your e-mail address/user profile within our database.
We additionally save information about the browser you use and the settings you have configured in the operating system you use, as well as information about the Internet connection with which you access our website.
The communications we send you provides us with details including acknowledgements of receipt and read confirmations, as well as information about the links that you click on in our communications.
We also save which sections you have visited on our website and in our apps. By creating a personal user profile, we would like to tailor our messages to your interests and optimise our services on our website for you.
Supply Chain Management
Working to establish a sustainable society in which human rights are respected
As a global company, Konica Minolta operates in 50 countries around the world. The procurement amount of the Group is over 520 billion yen.
Konica Minolta views all of the suppliers that supply and produce materials such as raw materials and parts or provide logistics and other services as indispensable partners in its business activities.
Konica Minolta is working with suppliers to build a trusting relationship through transparent and equitable transactions in order to achieve the shared goal of providing impressive products and services in a timely manner to customers all over the world.
Konica Minolta recognizes that there are workers all over the world who are forced to work with no consideration of their rights or who have to work in deplorable circumstances, and child and foreign (migrant) workers are particularly susceptible to these negative circumstances.
Konica Minolta promotes CSR initiatives throughout its supply chain,* helping to create sustainable societies that respect all human rights. The company believes that enterprises are not only responsible for their products, but also socially responsible to improve conditions of labour (human rights), ethics, the environment, safety and health, throughout the supply chain that delivers products to customers. Konica Minolta practices CSR procurement in order to realize these improvements at its manufacturing bases, and works closely with the suppliers who supply raw materials and parts for its products.
In order to fulfil social expectations such as respect for human rights, Konica Minolta not only works at its production sites but also cooperates with manufacturing and logistics suppliers. It also believes this improves the corporate value of both Konica Minolta and its suppliers. Further, this cooperation enables the customers to purchase the company’s products with peace of mind and to know that, by doing so, they are contributing to the development of a sustainable society. Konica Minolta recognizes that CSR procurement is more than just the social responsibility of a global company; it is also convinced that improving working conditions makes employee satisfaction higher and attrition rates lower. This in turn reduces business risk and raises quality throughout the supply chain. There are plenteous reasons for the proactive approach.
* Supply chain: The series of activities involved in delivering a product or service to a customer, ranging from procurement and production to distribution and sales.
Konica Minolta Procurement Policy
The Konica Minolta Group pursues customer satisfaction by creating innovative products and services that contribute to the development of society, according to our management philosophy, “The Creation of New Value.” In procurement activities, we establish firm partnerships with our suppliers based on fairness and transparency, and aim to build a sustainable society by fulfilling social responsibilities with our suppliers.
We will build transparent and reliable relationships with our suppliers and manage procurement in an open manner, while sharing objectives from a long-term and global perspective.
We will carry out transactions under the principle of free competition with rational evaluation criteria, and seek mutual benefit with suppliers.
We will have a global outlook and carry out procurement in the regions that best suit our operational needs.
We will comply with all relevant laws and regulations, corporate ethics, and internal policies and regulations.
We will contribute to the international society and local communities by striving to take the lead in environmental protection, while reducing the impact of our operations on ecosystems.
Request to Suppliers
Based on strong partnerships with our suppliers, we ask our suppliers to focus on the following areas in order to increase customer satisfaction and fulfil social responsibilities.
1. Excellent quality
Ensuring the safety of products and services, including compliance with the safety standards of each country and region, and improving quality to meet the demands of customers
2. Reasonable prices
Pursuing prices with market competitiveness
3. Response to changes in demand
Developing a stable supply system that can respond flexibly to changes in demand
4. Compliance with laws, regulations, and corporate ethics
Complying with all laws and regulations of each country and region, and with corporate ethics
5. Environmental protection
Undertaking environmentally conscious business activities and material procurement
6. Respect for the human rights of workers
Respecting basic human rights, including the prohibition of child labour, forced labour, and discrimination based on ethnicity, gender, and any other grounds
7. Health and safety
Providing safe and clean work environments
8. Information security
Continuously improving information security
9. Firm management foundation
Building a firm management foundation to ensure a continuous and stable supply of materials
Environmental Collaboration Aimed at Strengthening the Management of Chemical Substances Included in the Supply Chain
UN Global Compact
In 2009, Konica Minolta signed the Global Compact, which consists of 10 principles, related to human rights, labour, the environment, and anti-corruption, advocated by the United Nations.
The Global Compact is a set of voluntary action principles for businesses proposed in 1999 by then UN Secretary-General Kofi Annan and officially established at the United Nations Headquarters in 2000. It is an initiative to achieve sustainable growth on a global scale by encouraging businesses to act as upstanding members of the international community by demonstrating responsible, creative leadership in solving various worldwide problems, including global warming, environmental problems, and economical stratification in society.
Konica Minolta participates in the Working Group on Supply Chains and the Working Group on Human Rights Due Diligence with the Global Compact Network Japan, and it makes use of these experiences in its CSR procurement initiatives.
EICC (Electronic Industry Citizenship Coalition)
Konica Minolta joined the EICC* in October 2013, and has been acting as a member to strengthen its CSR activities in the supply chain.
The EICC, which is made up of more than 100 companies, including the world’s leading electronics manufacturers and their major suppliers, works to improve human rights, ethics, health, and safety in the supply chain.
Product Information
You will receive information from the following areas:
Output Solutions
Multifunctional printing systems
Applications and services for workflow optimization
IT Solutions
IT infrastructure
Presentation technology
IT Security
IT services
Infrastructure Managed Services
Business Process Services
Managed Content Services
Managed Security Services
Professional Printing
Digital production printing
Industrial Printing
Managed Marketing Services
Digital Manufacturing
IP cameras
Beware of Counterfeits
Beware of counterfeit Konica Minolta consumables
If the price is too good to be true, the product is probably not genuine!
Brand piracy is a serious problem for the manufacturers and users of quality branded products. In recent years the circulation of counterfeit products has reached such enormous dimensions that the world-wide economy is affected. Users of counterfeit products suffer because the fakes are usually not recognisable as such but can be expected to show a poor performance or even worse, in case of consumables might even damage the original-manufactured hardware. This in turn has a negative impact on the manufacturers, whose brand image can be seriously damaged.
The general public is more aware of brand piracy where luxury goods are concerned. It is not widely known that the IT industry is also seriously affected in particular with regard to consumables and accessories for hardware products.
Konica Minolta Europe is aware of the fact that counterfeit consumables for laser printers and multifunctional devices are circulating not only within Europe but also world-wide. We are committed to removing these illegal products from the market and will prosecute vigorously in the criminal and/or civil courts manufacturers and distributors who undermine the integrity of the Konica Minolta brand by their activities.
As users of Konica Minolta devices and their consumables please take note of the following details to determine that you have purchased genuine Konica Minolta consumables. Remember: if the price is too good to be true you are probably not buying genuine Konica Minolta! If you are not sure of your consumables’ origin, contact your Konica Minolta representative who will help you verify your purchase.
Konica Minolta Business Solutions Europe GmbH
Phone: +49 511 7404 684 / Fax: +49 511 6067 7180
Please find below some examples of Konica Minolta toner counterfeits.
Fax Vulnerability in HP Printers
Konica Minolta Responds To MFP Fax Security Vulnerabilities
The vulnerability of multifunction printers (MFPs) to hacking attempts to gain complete control over the printer via the Fax line was made public in August by researchers from Check Point Solutions Technologies. The research conducted was specific to HP Inket All-In-One printers.
The results showed that an attacker could gain control over the printer by using a crafted JPEG color payload, and subsequently infiltrate network devices connected to the printer.
Though this research targeted HP devices, the resulting report mentioned that similar vulnerabilities could exist in products from other fax vendors since the research covers the fax communication protocols in general.
As an outcome of this research, Konica Minolta investigated the possibility of its MFP products having similar vulnerabilities and risks. Upon careful review and examination, we determined that the vast majority of Konica Minolta MFP products have no such vulnerabilities and risks.
However, the investigation did uncover that the following models are vulnerable to a different fax security issue – one that is strictly related to color faxing:
• bizhub 4422/3622
• bizhub 4020/3320
Disabling the “Enable Color Fax Receive” feature on a bizhub 4422/3622 or bizhub 4020/3320 device will block the ability to exploit this vulnerability. In the unlikely situation that color fax reception is required on these monochrome print devices, there is a firmware update available. Please consult with your authorized Konica Minolta Service representative for further details.
Listed below are links to the National Vulnerability Database if you would like more information regarding the reported issues discovered on the HP printers.
Device compatibility with the latest OS
Is your device compatible with the latest Mac OS or Windows? To find out, please access our product listing via the link below and check the information for your Konica Minolta system(s). Should you have further questions, feel free to contact us!
Printer FAQ, Support
Comprehensive information on our older printer models
Home Shared Translations Sustainability
Tomorrow in mind
At Konica Minolta, we are committed to sustainability through our innovations for business and society. We also support our customers as they strive to hit their sustainability targets. With our sustainability solutions, customers can achieve higher efficiency and lower costs, as well as shape a responsible digital workplace. Our approach focuses on four customer-centric sustainability topics:
Our Mission
The Creation of New Social and Economic Value. All our activities are based upon the Charter of Corporate Behavior. In this document, we explicitly commit to our responsibility not only to achieve growth, but also to meet our social responsibilities and contribute to broader society.
Konica Minolta's Corporate Philosophy is based on this Charter, and guides the company's Sustainability activities with its Mission, "The Creation of New Value". We use creative ideas to deliver tangible new value in order to resolve the challenges faced by customers and society as a whole. In its Philosophy, Konica Minolta aims to establish itself as a company that is vital to society by continuing to create new value that brings innovation to the world. While factoring in social, environmental and economic targets, therefore, our Sustainable Mission is "The Creation of New Value for a Sustainable World".
Sustainability Goals
We aim to contribute to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDG). Since the environment is a core stakeholder topic, moreover, the Eco Vision 2050, first formulated in 2009, is our long-term plan for achieving a sustainable future. This is based upon our Philosophy, and consists of three major goals:
An 80% reduction in CO2 emissions throughout the product life cycle by 2050 compared to fiscal levels in 2005
To promote recycling and efficient use of the Earth's limited resources;
Based on our stakeholder dialogue and materiality analysis, the environment is a topic of central importance in Konica Minolta's activities. For this reason, we have defined a set of key environmental management principles, which are fixed in our European Environmental Policy. The Policy is in accordance with the Charter of Corporate Behavior and the Corporate Philosophy, including our Mission. These three items guide our sustainability activities, while the Policy includes the most concrete goals.
As Konica Minolta understands it, 'compliance' is not just about obeying national and international laws, but also includes adherence to corporate ethics and internal corporate rules. The Konica Minolta Charter of Corporate Behaviour was created with this understanding in mind. It defines the principles that guide compliance for the entire Group, and is essential for Group governance.
The Konica Minolta Group Guidance articulates Konica Minolta's commitment to acting in compliance with international social norms such as the United Nations Global Compact, to which the company (Konica Minolta, Inc.) is a signatory, and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
CSR-Related Principles, Charters and Norms that Konica Minolta endorses or observes:
• United Nations Global Compact
• Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
• Universal Declaration of Human Rights
• Japan Business Federation - "Charter of Corporate Behavior"
• EICC Code of Conduct
CSR-Related Groups in which Konica Minolta participates:
• Electronic Industry Citizenship Coalition (EICC)
• Conflict-Free Sourcing Initiative (CFSI)
• Japan Electronics and Information Technology Industries Association (JEITA) Responsible Minerals Trade Working Group, Conflict-Free Sourcing Working Group
Terms and Conditions of Use
1. Validity and scope of application of the Terms and Conditions of Use
Any use of the www.konicaminolta.eu website (hereinafter referred to as the "Website") provided by Konica Minolta Business Solutions Europe GmbH (hereinafter referred to as "Konica Minolta") and the services provided on this Website is only permitted based on the following Terms and Conditions of Use. By accessing the Website or one of its subpages, the user is agreeing to the validity of the current version of the Terms and Conditions of Use. If the user does not agree with all or some of the terms and conditions, they must not use the Website.
Konica Minolta reserves the right to make changes to or update these Terms and Conditions of Use in the future without separate prior notice.
2. Services offered
The content and information made available on the Website is used for the commercial purposes of Konica Minolta.
Konica Minolta is entitled to suspend or restrict operation of all or part of the Website at any time and cannot guarantee that the Website or the content provided on it will be available on a permanent basis, without interruptions or without any modifications.
3. Scope of use
The content and information made available on the Website is intended exclusively to provide information personally to the user and for the personal, non-commercial purposes of the user, and may not be downloaded, copied, processed or distributed for private or commercial purposes. Only the content intended for download and marked explicitly as such is excluded from this. The user is also permitted to print out parts of the Website for their personal use.
Konica Minolta explicitly points out that the content of the Website, e.g. text, images, graphics, sounds and layout, is protected by copyright law or in accordance with other provisions regarding the protection of intellectual property and that the product names, brands and company names used on the Website are protected under brand law for the relevant legal owner. Any use of this content is therefore prohibited by law unless Konica Minolta has provided its written consent to this use in advance.
4. Warranty, liability
The content of the Website reflects the information and technologies available at the time of publication. Konica Minolta is not liable for ensuring that the Website content is complete, correct or up-to-date. The content of the Website may deviate occasionally from the current status, particularly in the event of changes to the nature of Konica Minolta products or changes to the requirements for the use thereof. Konica Minolta is furthermore not liable for ensuring that the content of the Website is suitable for the purpose being pursued by the user. Konica Minolta and its employees are not liable for any type of loss or disadvantages that may arise for the user due to or in association with the use of the Website and any of its sub-pages. In the event that one of the essential contractual obligations is culpably violated, liability is limited to the foreseeable damage typical for this contract.
Where Konica Minolta is liable without limitation in accordance with the statutory provisions, this does not apply in the event of malicious intent or gross negligence or in the event of injury, death or damage to health due to the violation of an obligation for which Konica Minolta is responsible or for liability in accordance with the German Product Liability Act.
5. Links to other websites
In some areas of the Website, hyperlinks ("links") refer to the websites of other providers which may contain additional or supplementary information that could be of interest to the user. Clicking on such a link will exit the Konica Minolta Website.
Konica Minolta is unable to affect the current or future content of websites provided by third parties. Konica Minolta therefore does not regard the content of third party websites referred to via a link as its own. Konica Minolta's liability for the content of these third party websites is therefore excluded, unless Konica Minolta was aware of any legal violation of the content when it placed the link on its site.
6. Obligations of the user
The Website user undertakes to follow and comply with the statutory conditions applicable to them every time they use the Website or the content made available on it.
The user must not take any action or use any process or software which may lead to modification, impairment or disruption to the Website, its functionality or its content. This also applies to measures that can intentionally lead to an increase in load on the technical infrastructure of the Website.
7. Applicable law, place of jurisdiction
German law shall apply to the use of the Website and to the application of these Terms and Conditions of Use.
If the customer is a merchant or a legal person under public law, or has no general place of jurisdiction in Germany, the place of jurisdiction for all disputes relating to use of the Website or these Terms and Conditions of Use shall be Hanover.
Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment
Information for customers and treatment facilities according Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment Directive (WEEE Directive 2012/19/EU)