25. aprillil avaldasid Bitsight'i ja Curesec'i teadlased artikli nende poolt avastatud haavatavuse kohta, mis võimaldas kuritarvitada Service Location Protocol'i (SLP) ja teostada võimendatud DDoS (Distributed Denial of Service) rünnakut. Kuigi SLP ei ole mõeldud kasutamiseks interneti kaudu, suutsid uurijad leida internetile avatud seadmeid, millel on SLP teenus aktiveeritud ja mida saab seega kasutada rünnaku läbiviimiseks teistele ohvriarvutitele/serveritele. Oma artiklis mainivad teadlased ka seda, et tuvastati mitmeid Konica Minolta seadmeid, mis on haavatavad. Internetile avatud seadmeid, mis tegutsevad teenuseagentidena, on oht, et neid võidakse ära kasutada, et rünnakut saaks teostada teiste ohvrite vastu. Konica Minolta soovitab võimalike riskide vähendamiseks järgmisi meetmeid:
Lisateavet haavatavuse ja selle leevendamise juhiste kohta leiate siit: Security Advice
On April 25, researchers at Bitsight and Curesec released an article about a vulnerability they had discovered, which allowed them to abuse the Service Location Protocol (SLP) and carry out an amplified DDoS (Distributed Denial of Service) attack. While SLP is not intended to be utilized via the internet, the researchers were able to locate internet exposed devices that have the SLP service enabled and thus could be exploited in order to carry out the attack on other victim computers/servers. In their article, the researchers also mention that a number of vulnerable Konica Minolta devices were identified. Internet exposed devices that are acting as Service Agents are at risk of being exploited in order for the attack to be carried out on other victims. Konica Minolta recommends the following measures to mitigate the potential risk:
Please find more information about the vulnerability and mitigation instructions here: Security Advice