Konica Minolta, Inc. (Konica Minolta) is pleased to announce that it has been awarded a PLATINUM Level Recognition Medal in the EcoVadis sustainability ratings issued by EcoVadis of France for its corporate responsibility practices. This is the highest level that can be achieved — only 1% of the participating companies were awarded this accolade. Konica Minolta has also been selected for the 2020 CDP Supplier Engagement Leaderboard in the Supplier Engagement Rating by CDP, an international non-profit organisation working to achieve a sustainable economy. These high accolades reflect Konica Minolta's continuous dedication to sustainability and social responsibility.
About the EcoVadis sustainability report EcoVadis operates an international platform to assess the corporate social responsibility (CSR) of suppliers in terms of the environment, labour practices, ethics and sustainable procurement. The rating process is based on scorecards for each participating company that cover 21 CSR indicators, 190 commodities and 150 countries. The evaluation environment is built on the Global Reporting Initiative, the United Nations Global Compact and the ISO 26000, which take environment, social, ethics and supply chain into account. About the Leaderboard of CDP's Supplier Engagement Rating In addition to its excellent EcoVadis Sustainability rating, Konica Minolta, Inc. has been selected for the 2020 CDP Supplier Engagement Leaderboard in the Supplier Engagement Rating by CDP, an international non-profit organisation running the world's most comprehensive environmental reporting and disclosure system for its Green Supplier Activities. The Supplier Engagement Rating evaluates companies' commitment to tackling climate change throughout their supply chain. Excellent companies in the top 7% are selected for the Leaderboard. More than 8,000 companies worldwide were surveyed: This fiscal year, 394 companies (including 83 Japanese firms) were selected for the Leaderboard. Konica Minolta's Green Supplier Activities For several years, Konica Minolta has been promoting Green Supplier Activities to provide suppliers with the expertise to reduce their environmental impact while also reducing costs. This approach was derived from its own manufacturing sites within the Green Factory certification system. Many suppliers were already able to achieve their Green Supplier activity targets, which are equivalent to the level of the Green Factory Certification Standards. For example, Konica Minolta employees visited suppliers' plants to conduct energy conservation diagnoses and help suppliers implement measures, increasingly using an energy-saving diagnostic tool based on the digitalised expertise of energy-saving experts to do so. Since fiscal year 2020, these activities have been further upgraded as the DX-Green Supplier Activities. Konica Minolta will work with many more suppliers to rapidly expand the efforts to reduce CO2 emissions and costs throughout the supply chain and to foster a system and culture that values environmental management.
About Konica Minolta, Inc. Konica Minolta, Inc. is a global technology company that provides innovative solutions to businesses and society. With its strengths in the combination of its core technologies in advanced imaging, optics, sensing, materials and nano-processing, Konica Minolta is committed to creating new values supporting customers to address challenges in their operations and work processes. Advancing its expertise in digital technologies, the company has been going through business transformation into a digital company, with insights into implicit challenges across the board as ‘One Konica Minolta’ in the era of Internet of the Things (IoT). Konica Minolta is also active in open innovation through various collaborations and alliances with academic, industrial and entrepreneurial partners. Headquartered in Tokyo, Konica Minolta has its Group companies in 50 countries with over 44,300 employees and offers products and services in 150 countries around the world.