Cloud Services: support more agile ways of working

Future-proof your organisation with infrastructure and software as a service

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Don't let inflexible IT hold your business back

If your organisation is still running its own servers and other infrastructure, you'll be well aware of the challenges involved: 

  • The monitoring and management overhead needed to keep your business up and running 

  • The constant pressure to keep infrastructure updated with the latest firmware and security patches 

  • The lengthy hardware specification and procurement cycles that can delay the rollout of new applications and services, and hamper business growth 

And if you're now looking towards a more digital future, you may not have the right skills in house to support that transformation. 

Cloud Services from Konica Minolta can help you solve these issues and more. We offer a cloud-based alternative to on-site storage, networking and virtualisation resources that you pay for on a consumption basis — giving you the flexibility to scale capacity in line with changing business needs. Cloud Services are hosted in our secure, highly available, high-performance data centres in Europe, where our expert teams monitor and manage infrastructure on your behalf.  

You can use our Cloud Services in whatever way suits your business: 

  • Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) — run your own applications and services on our advanced infrastructure 

  • Platform as a Service (PaaS) — integrate your company’s IT (hardware, software, applications, tools and services) onto a single cloud-based platform 

  • Software as a Service (saaS) — take advantage of fully managed cloud-based services from Konica Minolta, including Microsoft 365, and systems for enterprise resource planning (ERP) and customer relationship management (CRM)  


Benefits of Cloud Services

Flexibility and scalability to adapt to changing business needs

No hidden costs — pay only for the resources you use

24/7 expert monitoring and management, releasing your teams to focus on IT innovation

High levels of security and availability —
the data centres hosting our Cloud Services are ISO 27001 (information security) and DIN EN 50600 (data centre planning, construction and operation) certified


Anytime, anywhere access to centralised apps and data on any device —
supporting remote and mobile working


More Success Stories

Cloud services for SMEs

With the exponential growth in data, and faced by a need to compete in a fast-moving digital age, the decision to stay with outmoded legacy systems can mean that SMEs risk falling behind. With the benefit of a long-term perspective and a deep understanding of our customers’ businesses, Konica Minolta is helping SMEs get up to speed and take to the cloud.

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cloud for SMEs e-book cover

1.  How do cloud services work?

Cloud services provide you with IT infrastructure and platforms on which to run applications and services and store data. You don't have to procure, install, monitor or manage your own infrastructure. All that work is done for you by the cloud service provider (CSP).

Cloud environments — where private or public, hybrid cloud or multi-cloud — are quick and easy to scale, and offer flexible pricing models. In many cases, you pay only for the resources you use. Cloud infrastructure is also secure, with CSPs able to deploy advanced monitoring and security features to protect against cyberthreats and risks that are beyond the means of many organisations.

2.  What kind of services can cloud computing be used for?

You can use cloud computing for many services: to run your own applications and services (IaaS), or as a platform to integrate your organisation's IT infrastructure and services (PaaS). You can also use cloud-based apps and services (SaaS), such as Microsoft 365, ERP and CRM.

3.  Where are Konica Minolta cloud services located?

Many of our private cloud services (IaaS, PaaS and SaaS) are provided out of our own data centres in Germany and Sweden. These facilities are certified to ISO 27001 (information security), ISO 27017 (secure cloud-based environment) and DIN EN 50600 (data centre planning, construction and operation).

4.  What cloud services are available

Our cloud services include Cloud Print Services (print infrastructure in the cloud); Collaboration & Communication Services, such as Microsoft 365, Managed IT Services; and Cloud Data Centre Services.

5.  When should I use cloud services?

You can use cloud platforms to solve many different challenges, including:

  • Provision of easily scalable infrastructure to underpin a fast-growing growing business
  • Support for a digital transformation strategy — with digital workplace solutions that help you leave paper behind
  • Support for a remote or mobile working strategy — with collaboration, ERP or CRM services in the cloud
  • As a platform for everyday IT services (such as print infrastructure management in the cloud) that are a drain on internal resources — releasing your teams from operational tasks to focus on innovation and development
You can use public cloud, private cloud or a combination (hybrid cloud) depending on your business needs and the nature of your data.

Konica Minolta Cloud Services

We connect your printing infrastructure with the latest cloud technology to bring your business one step closer to an intelligently networked workplace.

Here, you find more of our Cloud Services

Further reading

Cloud Services

Advance your business with Konica Minolta Cloud Services 


When you choose Konica Minolta Cloud Services, you choose a simplified route to advanced IT infrastructure that will support your business no matter how far or how fast it grows. With applications and services hosted in our secure cloud environment, you'll have a cost-effective, scalable platform your business can rely on — now and in the future — and an IT team that's released from everyday operational tasks to focus on innovation.   


Learn how our Cloud Services can help your business

We know that every organisation is unique, which is why each engagement starts with a conversation. We're ready to listen, so contact us today.